I bet your answer is YES, You're sick and tired of it! I comepletely understand.
I often receive emails from people just like you who are struggling to make their guitar playing sound more interesting and fresh.
You've practiced your scales, done countless finger execises, etc..., but you just can't seem to make those cool-catchy guitar licks flow freely. Though you've played guitar for years, and spent thousands of dollars on your gear, you still aren't satisfied with the quality of your guitar licks.
Maybe, you've even spent days practicing exotic scale runs, only for others to tell you that it doesn't really sound like music, but rather just a bunch of up and down scales.
This causes you to start second guessing your playing, and that really zaps the fun out of it. This vicious cycle can plunge you deeper into the dreaded guitarist rut, BUT do not worry my friends...
When I hear the stories I often write back...
It seems like there's so much information online about learning how to play guitar as a beginner or intermediate, but not so much about the real issues guitar players face daily. Like being In a rut!
The online advanced courses explain scales, modes, exercises, arpeggios, etc... While all these things are helpful, they don't directly help you overcome the dreaded guitar players rut.
You don't need to learn ten different ways to build a great engine. You simply need to build one great engine that does ten times the work. Fuel the fire, as they say.
When you add these high quality guitar licks into your personal guitar playing, it's similar to adding nitro to a funny car. You'll instantly broaden your lead guitar skills as a musician.
This process of continually adding more licks into the mix, begins to unleash a viral assault of inspiration and creativeness that will surely lead to some of the best guitar work you've ever done.
I'm sure you'll welcome that with open arms.
I'm coming forward to unleash the real solution to the dreaded guitar players rut. This means saying goodbye to boring stale guitar playing forever. The simple solution is adding exclusive original high quality guitar licks into your playing.
After years of being in and out of the rut myself, and seeing many of my students in the same position in their careers, I began testing numerous problems and situations related with "Guitar Players Rut Syndrome" and have made some real discoveries about what the problem actually is, and how to quickly and easily solve it. The bottom line is lack of fuel, period!
As you begin applying the new licks, getting familiar, and drilling them in, you'll use them in jam situations and quickly begin to notice the freedom start entering in. It's like removing the dog collar and running free with no leash.
If you deprive yourself of food and nutrition the body starts reacting poorly, but if you fill yourself with good nutrition, your body performance skyrockets.
The same thing applies with guitar, If you deprive yourself of high quality guitar licks, your playing becomes stale and boring, but if you inject a shot of high quality guitar licks into your lead playing, BINGO you start firing on all cylinders and your playing comes to life again. This is a proven fact!
If you think about great guitar players that you respect, they surely play killer guitar licks and you can easily identify them. They have a style that speaks to you on their guitar.
If you were in the mood for Angus Young, you wouldn't expect to hear Eddie Van Halen. Likewise, if you were in the mood for Yngwie J. Malmsteen you would'nt expect to hear Slash. The point is that these players have an identity, and the way they carved their identity is by their Quality Guitar Licks.
When you apply my 40 Killer Guitar Licks to your arsenal of licks, you'll begin to give them a life of their own and be well on your way to carving an identity sound for yourself fast and easy.
This is a pretty good deal since all you're really trying to do is get out of your rut. Without even trying, you'll begin to take on an identity due to keeping your lick tank full!
Friends, I hope you're able to see that this problem of being in a rut is easy to overcome. Do it now!
So, why should you listen to me? As a guitar teacher for fifteen plus years, and a professional guitarist for over twenty years, I can easily say I've helped hundreds of other guitarists get out of their guitar playing rut, as well as overcoming my own personal ruts.
For those who have already took my advice in the past, know they'll listen to me again and again... You see, taking me up on my 40 killer rock guitar licks can lead you directly to a unique identity and sound within your playing, making you really stand out amongst other guitarists. It's time for you to join the hundreds of others who have already realized how to release the flood gates of inspiration.
If you haven't heard of me, here's some brief background.
Years ago I was struggling to be an above average lead guitarist. I was fresh out of school and was gigging steady in my cover band "Hanover Fist", which consisted of two guitarists. My partner's guitar licks always stood out more, and it forced me to start analyzing the differences in our playing styles.
I started to realize he had way more structured licks, and was able to tie them together anywhere and everywhere it seemed. He wasn't restricted because he had so many to use and he never used more than a few at a time to get his point across. He really made me realize how to get tons of mileage out of just one lick, by slightly changing things as you play them. This was an "ah ha" moment for me.
Then, I started doing something that I wish I hadn't spent so much time on, and that was learning my favorite guitar licks note for note. Now, don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with learning other guitarists licks, it's just that if you are going to spend a great deal of time building up your arsenal of guitar chops you want them to be yours. Otherwise, you'll be in a situation of sounding like them.
I'll be honest with you it was far from easy at first, and it took months before I started feeling comfortable playing only my own licks, but over time it became so much easier and felt like I had no more restrictions at all. You eventually begin playing whatever you feel at any given time.
This is the point every guitarist really strives to be at, because you really start satisfying yourself on a musically intelligent level. By harnessing the power of my 40 killer Rock Guitar Licks, you'll propell your inner creativity and inspiration to get to this point fast.
I shared some of my guitar licks with the world in early 2006, and since earned some of the best reviews ever. Tons of people were able to overcome the dreaded guitar players rut syndrome by using my licks and creating an identity for themselves. I've received lots of thank you emails and many success stories.
I even won the guitar contest for Trans-Siberian Orchestra, and after the video was released for the contest, I started getting emails commenting on the ripping licks in the video. The truth is they weren't my licks, but the techniques that were used are very similar to several techniques I show in my 40 Killer Guitar Licks.
It was basically using one technique in multiple ways. Very effective, and exactly what I was saying earlier about my partner in my cover band being able to take just a few licks and get tons of use out of them without sounding the same.
I shared some very useful and effective lick techniques with the people who emailed me... I mean really useful techniques and methods. Everyone benefited from the techniques I revealed.
Keep in mind, popular guitar changes over the course of time, and what was once cool may or may not be cool tomorrow. However, this will not matter for you because you aren't riding on anyone's coat tails. This is why it's so important to create your own identity. You'll soon discover by using my 40 killer rock guitar licks, you'll have the secret formula for creating your own unique identity very quickly.
I'm constantly writing guitar licks and always making improvements. I'm in the music business for over 20 years now, and have heard tons of great guitarists with killer guitar licks. This has helped me develop high quality rock guitar licks over the years.
I find there's a common element that separates the pro's from the average lead guitarist. The difference is that the pro's are able to connect with their listener, and trigger an emotion within them.
This holds true for all styles of music. It doesn't matter what type of guitar you're playing, or what type of amp you're playing, if you're good and have great licks, you will connect with your listener.
Hopefully you see the huge impact my 40 Killer Rock Guitar Licks can have on your playing immediately. I want you to realize your full potential as a guitarist. The fact that you're reading this, is probably the biggest step towards getting out of the rut and creating your own unique identity on guitar quickly.
I've been down the road of having average sounding licks that weren't turning heads, but was able to turn all of that around once I finally realized what was missing. You can do the same!
It's True... But you need the correct information and tools to do so.
I've spent a few months creating, recording, and compiling all the high quality licks into four separate categories. You'll have a range of licks and many options to tie them together.
This will help you develop and improve your guitar vocabulary, as well as extracting more feel from your style. It will also be the beginning of a new "High Standard" in your own guitar playing.
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Scarlet Jones
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Emma White
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